- Qualification :- Initially teacher should be qualified to teach and instruct the students. With out the qualification how can a teacher give education to the students. That's why it is the most to have required qualification and trainings to be a good teacher. As we also can say that teacher is the person who itself as a candle and give light to others. We obey and respect the teacher as parents. Teacher guide their students so that they can get more and education. Students can make their future bright and safe. It is the duty of the teacher to provide proper education and well trained their students. For this, it is necessary to have the proper qualification and knowledge about how to teach and give proper education to their children and students. Then only the can get the proper education. It is the most to have teaching trainings to instruct the students. And their the tought competition all over the world so students have to keep ready all time anywhere.
- Co-operative :- Co-operate and behave with the students as friend while teaching. Students never want order. They just want to learn with friendly and environment. As there should not be strict rules and regulations. Of course there should be some rules and regulation in schools and colleges otherwise students may not give proper attention to the teachers. For the proper education system, teachers have to co-operate with the teachers. If the students didn't understand the lesson, it is duty of the teacher to give proper instruction. In such situation, teacher should never be angry with the students. If it happens so then it may spoil the relationship between the teacher and the students. Even teacher should not bit the students. For the proper education system, it is necessary to make the good relation with the students. This may encourage the students to ask the questions about the difficult problems to the teachers which help to understand the lessons. This system also make the good relation between the teachers and the students.
- Creative :- As teachers should have creative mind. Teachers should not only depend upon books. They should create many more things in education which helps to teach the students and can make the lesson clear.To get the proper education, teachers have to practice many creative activities. This helps the students to have more interest on the lesson. Teachers also can give the extra general knowledge which is necessary for the students especially in this generation. So, for proper education, it is the also one of the duty of the teachers to be creative.
- Honest :- Honest people are demanded in every sector. As in educational sector there is also highly demanded. Honesty teachers are essential for proper education. Teachers should perform their performance significantly i.e. should teach the students in proper way so that students and get the lesson. This leads to get proper education.
- Encouragement :- All the students in the schools and colleges may not intelligent. Some students may be weak. It is the duty of the teacher to encourage the weak students to study and also should tell the methods of learning. Neither by beating nor scolding. Nowadays it is being big issue that beating students. So, teachers should not beat the students. Being a good teacher encouragement quality is also important . Then only students can give more interest in having education. And this will be better for both students and teacher too.
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Role of Teacher in Education
Posted by sharmila | 0 comments |Labels: Education
Role of Parents in Education
Posted by sharmila | 0 comments |Labels: Education
Parents have to take proper care of their children. Parents are the inspiration for the better education. They have to maintain such a environment so that children can study at home. Once children are admitted in the educational institute the responsibility of parents don't finish . For the continuity of the proper education system, parents should let their children get more and more education from schools and colleges.
The conditions of child Education in Nepal
Posted by sharmila | 1 comments |Labels: Education
Child can get primary education from his house. To educate the child parents or the family members should be educated. Then only thy can instruct the child about the many things, Home s the first educational institute for the child .
Nowadays, any more educational institutions for child such as montessories and child care centers has been established. And the affordable family admit their children in such institutions. But it is not possible for all children. Even though we can not admit in such institutions . We also can take proper care of our child at our own home by ourselves. It's not necessary to admit there.
- love, caring and warmth
- lots of practise in talking and listening
- proper guidance and understandin
- should limits and boundaries
- should consistency and consequences
- proper structure and security
Child is academically gifted which has some special needs related to their individual level of intelligence and talent. Many people wrongly think that letting gifred child studing in regular classes will help non gifred students learn. It is wrong. We shuld know how to find out that our child is academically gifted. They may often bored in regular classes . They may get behavioural problems at school . The poor grades even thoughts he nay display qualities of intelligence. They may get frustration. The viewed as arrogant may occur.
We may use many useful tips for concerning differents items of the child education at home as well as in class. As choosing teh school is one of the difficult task and the most important decisions we will make for our child.We must apply well in advance to have the chance of gettngour child in to the primary or secondary school of our choice which is a great resposibility to provide the proper education to the child .
If we are not offered a place at our preferred school dor if we are unsatistied with the school place allocated to our child , that may be the whatever reason, we have the right to appeal to and independent pane.
For the independent schols provide a perfect allround education through the fact that they are have more freedom of curriculum and should think about the future of the child although adapting toy yhte government syllabuses they are able to extend beyound these and conform so that all pulpils are able to achieve their full potentiality and can make the future bright and secure their life.Each and every child can excel in some area of the curriculum and achieve for themselves as there are specialist teachers in all most all subjects.
Education system of Nepal
Posted by sharmila | 0 comments |Labels: Education
All the people in the world want to get education but it is not happening so. All the people in the world are not lucky. To get education we have to charge to the educational institute. Unfortunately it is not possible for everyone. As all people may not afford for this. So in the context of the remote area and the poor people, the education must be free. Then only all people can get education. We know that for the development of the nation, initially it is necessary to educate all people. Then only we can proceed for the further development. Even in the education system of the nation there may also differences between cities area and remote area. So there should not be such differences and the education must be same in all the institutes of the remote area and city area.
As all the people in the country are not rich. Due to the financial problem, people are unable to admit their children in the schools even having desire for education. Some children may just admit in the school but don't continue to study and they are forced to stop to get education. The main reason is the finance. It is the responsibility of the government to give free education to the poor family and quality education too. If there is not any quality in education only free education is provided then it is meaning less. So,how to continue to give quality education for the admitted students and inspire to admit ir to study for new students are the serious subject matter for the government.