There are many more educational institutions have been established to provide the quality education. As there are more and more schools, colleges, universities have been established. There are also many more chances to show their capability by doing jobs. Education is the lifeblood of the human being. With the help of the education there are many famous persons born.We are already known that without it the life can not be imagine and complete. Age of the people never restrict for the education.In the life of the human being education never end. Even there is differences in the life style of the educated and uneducated people. There may not be anyone who does not want to have education. It makes people educated, literate, civilized which helps to change in the lifestyle of the people in this competitive generation.
All the people in the world want to get education but it is not happening so. All the people in the world are not lucky. To get education we have to charge to the educational institute. Unfortunately it is not possible for everyone. As all people may not afford for this. So in the context of the remote area and the poor people, the education must be free. Then only all people can get education. We know that for the development of the nation, initially it is necessary to educate all people. Then only we can proceed for the further development. Even in the education system of the nation there may also differences between cities area and remote area. So there should not be such differences and the education must be same in all the institutes of the remote area and city area.
As all the people in the country are not rich. Due to the financial problem, people are unable to admit their children in the schools even having desire for education. Some children may just admit in the school but don't continue to study and they are forced to stop to get education. The main reason is the finance. It is the responsibility of the government to give free education to the poor family and quality education too. If there is not any quality in education only free education is provided then it is meaning less. So,how to continue to give quality education for the admitted students and inspire to admit ir to study for new students are the serious subject matter for the government.

As all the people in the country are not rich. Due to the financial problem, people are unable to admit their children in the schools even having desire for education. Some children may just admit in the school but don't continue to study and they are forced to stop to get education. The main reason is the finance. It is the responsibility of the government to give free education to the poor family and quality education too. If there is not any quality in education only free education is provided then it is meaning less. So,how to continue to give quality education for the admitted students and inspire to admit ir to study for new students are the serious subject matter for the government.
Developmenat means progress. It is a continous process fo positive growth and advancement . There are some basicneeds for a country to develop. In othere words a countru must develop certain areas in order to develop itself . These are called factors of development.
Education si the first and faremost infrasturecture fo development . People can not live a good life. without education. Education is knowledge is knowledge which enlightens everyone. It makes people efficient and skillful. Education enables us to distinguish good from load. People in all walks of life need edcuation. Education helps to prepare skilled man power and the wealth of the country is its manpower, i.e. people. People are engaged in different proffessions. Some are teachers, doctors, engineers and some work in offices, factories and in fields to grow food.
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