A child is a symbol of hope. The population of children is 12.07 million and total population of Nepal is 23.214 million. Nepal has the highest infant mortality rate 9.28 percent and under 5 mortality rates (U5MR) 13.92 percent and the lowest literacy rates 51 percent in Asia . Like the evaporation of hope a child is becoming extinct.
Child can get primary education from his house. To educate the child parents or the family members should be educated. Then only thy can instruct the child about the many things, Home s the first educational institute for the child .
They get knowledge about the social welfare such as how to behave with other people, how to talk with other people, respect, love and other social attitutes.
If in the childhood they get proper care and knowledge from their parents and homes then it helps to make their career bright. Hene4 for the bright future of the child primary school i.e. home plays an important role.
Nowadays, any more educational institutions for child such as montessories and child care centers has been established. And the affordable family admit their children in such institutions. But it is not possible for all children. Even though we can not admit in such institutions . We also can take proper care of our child at our own home by ourselves. It's not necessary to admit there.
We should give education to the child with the positive attitude. We should encourage child to participate in different creative works such as drawing, arts and others, We also should let the child to play . The mind of child is very sharp. The child get the things very fast . The child always seeks for new knowledge and education by giving more attention on it. So, it is the duty of parents to provide the child proper and quality education to the child. As it is the right of the child to get education.
Child is the future star of the nation and not only in the nation but also in the world. If child is given proper education then the child will be the doctors, engineers, piolots, teachers, lawyers, advocates and others in the future.Hence, if the child is educuted and given proper education, automatically the nation will be developed.
There are many activities which helps to develop the mind and creation of the child . So, every body in the world should take proper attention in providing education to the child . Which is the necessity in today's generation. For the example , lets take the example of the clay. Child is like the clay that we should give the shape make a beautiful pot .
It means to say that we should make the future of the child bright. For this the primary necessiry thing for the child is the proper education. Even in the context of Nepal, the child edcucation is not thought important and is not still giving more priority to the child education . There are more and more child still not going to the school . Even parents have not education and knowledge about the child education.
For the smooth developmennt of the child education first of all we should provide the advantages and impotances about the child education. This will encourage the parents to send their child to the montessories which will help to make the mind sharpe and from the initially stage the child will create many creativity .For the development of the physical and mental body of the child they should sent to the child care and montessories.
In the city area we can see more and more such schools established especially for the child . And nowadays parents are becoming very serious about it and they are admitting their child to the schools. From the age of 2 and 1 we can admit them to the monterries .
In the early age , education is particularly important. The life of the child success depends on how we seriously involve him in early learnig. We should provide the complete information about teh child education which substantial advece on how to organize and manage the child learning both at class and at home.We should learn the method of the child caring and dealing method with the gifted children check out special methods and ways of their edcuatin. We can assist them with the help of the educational software and other helplines .
We consider "child" regarding up to the age of 8 and we should proper take care of the children. As they are very sensitive and during this period special ccent should be made upon child's physical , inteligence , emotional and social education.Early child edcuation is being the most specially in this century commonly occurs with p arents and grandmoms involvement , thought very teum is regarde to denote education by someone accept these people.
It is also a great responsibility of the teachers to take proper of the children admitted in their institution and also and important note to the teachers , tutors and edcators regard jparents as an intertal part of the ealy child education process. Child education has many forms depending on who guides the teaching process. We all should have knowledge the terms that are often used interchangeably with early child edcuation are early child care, early care and earlyl education.
We should clear up benefits of child education and explore its kinds of services. We should always ger to know how to find a good service. Just using the information we can find and early child education service for our chold that best meets our needs.
Child education services offer education and care for young children from babies to school age. Parents and caregiver would lijke to provide for child the best possible start to their learning. As child education adds to whats we already have done to suport our child's learning. We should provide the child well loving time, secure home environment is important to their education, learning outside the home can build and improve their skills.
This also helps the child to give him a fresh environment , chances to learn new things and make new friends which leads to develop the mentality of the child.We should make participate to the child in edcuation from the early age and by attending an early child education it supports the young child's learning.
The parents are the first teacher of the child learning when we also give them edcuation away from home at educational institutions. As the child learns first about the most significant things that help them to grow though their whole lives. The child must need the some things to learn well. They as as follows:
love, caring and warmth
lots of practise in talking and listening
proper guidance and understandin
should limits and boundaries
should consistency and consequences
proper structure and security
Child is academically gifted which has some special needs related to their individual level of intelligence and talent. Many people wrongly think that letting gifred child studing in regular classes will help non gifred students learn. It is wrong. We shuld know how to find out that our child is academically gifted. They may often bored in regular classes . They may get behavioural problems at school . The poor grades even thoughts he nay display qualities of intelligence. They may get frustration. The viewed as arrogant may occur.
We may use many useful tips for concerning differents items of the child education at home as well as in class. As choosing teh school is one of the difficult task and the most important decisions we will make for our child.We must apply well in advance to have the chance of gettngour child in to the primary or secondary school of our choice which is a great resposibility to provide the proper education to the child .
If we are not offered a place at our preferred school dor if we are unsatistied with the school place allocated to our child , that may be the whatever reason, we have the right to appeal to and independent pane.
For the independent schols provide a perfect allround education through the fact that they are have more freedom of curriculum and should think about the future of the child although adapting toy yhte government syllabuses they are able to extend beyound these and conform so that all pulpils are able to achieve their full potentiality and can make the future bright and secure their life.Each and every child can excel in some area of the curriculum and achieve for themselves as there are specialist teachers in all most all subjects.
Quite informative and the interesting blog for everyone, I simply loved it.
Academic Skills
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