As we know that we should maintain our blood pressure to be healthy. For that we always should regular check our blood pressure. Blood pressure is the force exerted by the blood in the wall of the arteries. e.g. 100/70 mm of Hg.Force exerted bu the blood in the wall of the arteries when the left ventricle contracts to pump out blood kin to large arteries is called Systolic Blood Pressure.
Normal Blood Pressure
i) Infant :- 80/50 mm of Hg
ii) Child :- 90/60 mm of Hg
iii) Adult :- 120/80 mm of Hg
iv) Elder :- 140/90 mm of Hg
Abnormal Blood Pressure
i) Hypertension:- If the blood pressure is higher than normal level , it is called hyper tension.(High Blood Pressure)
ii) Hypotension:- If the blood pressure is lower than normal level then it is called hypotension. (Lower Blood Pressure)
Equipments use for taking blood pressure.
i) Sphygmomenometer

ii) Stethoscope

Method of taking Blood Pressure
- Explain the procedure to the patient. Make him sit or lie a comfortable position with arm supported.
- Remove the patient's sleeve of his arm .
- Wrap the cuff of the sphygmomenometer smoothly around the lower two third of the patient's arm about 2.5 cm above his elbow.
- Do not wrap cuff too tightly because this will be uncomfortable to the patient but if the cuff is wrapped too loose the sound will not be heard clearly.
- Pace the menometr in paient's heart level facing towards the care giver.
- Fell the pulsation of thebrachial artery using finger tips.
- Pump up the cuff until the pulse disappear. This is the palpatory method of taking blood pressure. This will give an idea of bow much the cuff should be inflated for taking blood pressure by listening with the stethoscope.
- After taking palpatory blood pressure, Place stethoscope over the brachial artery of the elbow.
- Inflate the cuff to approximately 20 mm of Hg hgher than the palpatory s
ystoloic blood pressure.
- Open the valve a little to the pressure release slowly and listen until sharp sound is heard. Read the pressure at this point. This is called systolic blood pressure.
- Let the pressure release further and continue to listen attentively to the sound as the air is gradually released from the cuff. At the certain point the sound changes from loud to a soft sound and then it disappears or become inaudible. Note the pressure just before the sound become inaudible. This is called diastolic blood pressure.
- As soon as both systolic and diastolic readings have been taken, release the air from cuff completely and remove the cuff from the patient's arm.