Finance is essential in each and every sector. With out finance we can't do any work. Even we do work for money in simple sentence. People do jobs for their families and to meet the daily need. All the people in the world are not rich.
There are low, middle and high class of people. Only people from high class can meet their needs and fulfill their own desire. People from mile class also can meet some desire but not all. But its difficult to meet even the daily need to the people from low class level.
Each and every people want to make the future of their children bright and secure. As it is the dream of people from every class but only upper class people make their dream comes true. The main objective of every parents is to provide proper and quality of education to their pupils.
The next problem in education is finance.
Most of the people are poor and its also just difficult to sustain their life. They are unable to admit their children in schools and colleges because of limit source of income. Even its difficult to get food and shelter. In such situation their children also have to work to sustain.There are many groups of children who are unable to get education. There are many children such as orphans, children from poor family, conflict affected children in our society are facing many problems.
So, it is the duty f the concerned parties to provide free as well as quality and proper education system to the children from poor family, orphans conflict affected children. Then only the future of the student will be secure and can fulfill their desire to get the education . This leads the development of the family society and nation too.
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