Well, vital signs are the signs of life. Vital sign includes body temperature, pulse, respiration and blood pressure. The presence of these signs indicate the existence of life. In healthy person, these vital signs remain early constant . Abnormal or diseased condition in the body which affect body function also change these signs. So any changes in the normal value of these signs is considered as abnormal condition . In order to access the patients condition, we should measure vital signs accurately and regular interval.
Here I'm describing the vital signs . They are as follows:
Body temperature is the degree of heat maintain by the heat. The body produce its own heat and maintain its temperature relatively constant level. We all should maintain our body temperature. Body temperature is measured in degree celcius ore in degree fahrenheit.
Normal temperature of the body is 98.6 degree Fahrenheit or 37 degree celcius. 99 degree Fahrenheit - 103 degree fahrenheit is considered as fever or pyrexia. Tem
perature above 104 degree fahrendeit is considered as hyperpyrexia. Below 97 degree fahrenheit is considered as hypothermia.l 97 degree fahrenheit -99 degree fahrenheit is considered as normal range of temperature. 93 degree fahrenheit is considered as expiry.

Types of the thermometer.
i) Oral thermometer
ii) Rectal thermometer
Steps of taking Temperature
- We should wash our hand properly.
- Explain the procedure to the patient.
- Keep the patient in comfortable position.
- Clean the thermometer from bulb to end by the spirite swab.
- Dry the axilla or groin by towel or guaze if there is sweating.
- Before taking the temperature reach the mercury level in glass tube. Shake the mercury down to the bulb.
- Shake the thermometer away from the body and things. So that it doesn't strike against any thing.
- Level the thermometer to ht adequate time.
- Never hold the thermometer from bulb area because warmth of the finger may further expand the mercury level
- Measure the tempoerature bu holding th thermo metr in eye level.
- clean the thermometre from steam to bulb.
- Record and report the temperature.
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