Dear friends, we have seen many changes in the world. According to the development of the scientific adventures and research, people are able to look, use and study them. In the other hand of the health sector, many diseases are also appear. The nature of the earth is being disappear and the environment and whether are changing rapidly. The cause may be the global warming. Many diseases such flues, diarrhoea, and other communicable and non-communicable diseases are appeared.
Here, I and just telling you something abut some communicable disease. We have already known that the communicable diseases transmit from on e person to another person by the means of respiration, cough, sneezing through air.
There are some name of the disease communicable diseases which are explained below:-
- Tuberculosis :- Tuberculosis is one of the most communicable disease among other diseases. We also can many people suffering from tuberculosis around us. In the context of Nepal, half of the total population is suffering from tuberculosis. According to WHO, in Nepal there are 67 thousand 5 hundred and 47 patients suffering form Tuberculosis. In every second, one new patient appear. This is very dangerous for us so should be careful and should pay total attention on our health. Friends, it is already known that tuberculosis is on e of the most communicable disease which is transmitted from the air exhaled by the patient due to respiration, cough , sneezing. And the air with virus exhaled by the patient mix in the environment and if the healthy patient inhaled the air then the virus go with air in the healthy person. In this way this disease transmitted from one person to another person very fast. It is transmitted as cold disease. So, such virus affect healthy person and new patient appears.
Well, there are some systems in this disease. They are as follows:-
- Regular cough for two weeks or more than two weeks .
- If there is fever especially in evening and night time.
- Loss of the appetite.
- Loss of the weight.
- Pain in the chest.
The above points are the main symptoms of tuberculosis . If above symptoms are seen we should immediately contact to the doctors and should take remedial procedures. It is already known that tuberculosis is the most communicable disease so all the people of the world should have education about this disease. Even in the course books also, there should also contain about the tuberculosis . So that we can wipe out this disease. Each and every person of the world should have provided the proper health education.
As the test of tuberculosis in every hospitals and dots center are available free of the cost. If there is any symptoms appear we should proceed for the test but not hesitating. We also should not avoid the patient suffering from the tuberculosis.We should show them love and sympathy on them. This encourage them to fight with the diseases.
Required Test:
When above mentioned symptoms are appared th patients should have some test. It is required the test to confirm the tuberculosis . For this the sputum for three days should test. IN sputuml AFB is searched and alos search bacterial growth o significance in culture. And also Grams Stain si studied. In the next step, there is moune test. In the next stp , blood is tested. IN this step , Haemoglobin, WBC, ESR, Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, MOnocytes and Eosinoophils is tested. In the last step M tuberculosis IgM ELISA and Mtiberculosis IgG ELISA is tested. The X-Ray of chest also should done from above test if there is positive result in any one test then the patient have the bacteria of tuberculosis.
Remedial Method:
If there is positive result in above test. The patient should proceed in above test. The patient should proceed for treatment. As the process of treatment not so easy and short. The patient should the medicine from six months to one year. It should also keep in mind that the patient should not miss any dose of the medicine . If it's missed The medicine doesn't work. It is the long process of the treatment so it's also impossible to take medicine to the patient from lower class who can not afford for medicine. So, the government has already provided the medicine free of cost at DOTS Clinic in any hospitals and health post in all over the world. Patient near to their residence, they can get medicine from heath post and hospitals . The medicine of tuberculosis is available in free of cost in any hospitals. If the paitent takes the regular medicine he can be recovered.
Hence, the patient of tuberculosis should not fear. It can also be recovered if regular medicine is taken . Everybody in the world should have education about the disease tuberculosis. And also shuld have education about the mentods of treatment. So, by using DOTS, we should stop tuberculosis from the tip of the root and lets make the world free of tuberculosis. Be healthy and live healthy.